Hosting a Phoenix Web App on OpenBSD

This article was published in April of 2020 and last updated February 10th, 2022.

This article is getting pretty old. There have been several OpenBSD releases since I wrote it.

I have some Phoenix web apps and wanted to host them on OpenBSD. It's just a few small apps on a single server, not anything complex, so I was hoping to figure out a simple approach (no need for anything enterprise-grade or web-scale). I think I was able to come up with something good, which I'll share below.

Although I could do SSL termination individually in each of my web apps, I thought I would like to perform this function in a single place for all of them. It might also be nice in some cases to be able to run more than one web app behind a single IP address. After looking at the manual page for relayd, I thought it would be a good fit for what I was trying to do.

Interface configuration

When I had set up my server, I only assigned a single address from my allocation to the network interface and I was already listening on this address with httpd. I didn't want to pile everything on a single IP address, so I thought I should configure an alias on the interface for one of my other addresses. I added a line like this to /etc/hostname.bnx0 so that the alias would be configured at startup:

inet alias

Then I ran ifconfig to add the alias immediately:

ifconfig bnx0 inet alias netmask

Apparently setting the mask to all-ones is the thing to do for aliases that are in the same subnet as the primary address (or as another alias that has a regular mask set, I think). It wasn't immediately obvious to me why, and I think this might be different on other network stacks. I'd like to research it later and learn more.

relayd part one

I started out my relayd configuration with a macro for the first alias address I had just added to the network interface and a table for the first web app I wanted to set up. The web apps will listen on the loopback interface (different ports, of course).

table <skilman> { lo0 }

I wanted to start out by relaying HTTP (non-TLS) traffic, so I'd need an http protocol section. I figured I might end up having more than one web app behind this address, so I set up pass rules to forward to my app if the host header matches one of the host names I expect. relayd uses the last rule that matches, so I put a block rule before these to catch any connections with a host header that didn't end up matching. I figured it would be nice to return an error page rather than just dropping the connection, so I started the section out with a “return error” directive.

http protocol "http" {
        return error
        block header "host"
        match forward to <skilman> header "host" value ""
        match forward to <skilman> header "host" value ""

With the protocol set up, I could add the relay section. This starts out with a forward directive for the web app. This is where I set which port to contact the web app on. I can add more forward directives here later as I add web apps; which one is used is determined by the rules in the protocol section above. I also added directives to specify the address and port where relayd should listen and to connect this relay section to the protocol section above.

relay "http" {
        forward to <skilman> port 4220
        listen on $first_alias port 80
        protocol "http"

This was enough configuration to get going, so I enabled relayd and started it.

rcctl enable relayd
rcctl start relayd

As I adjusted my configuration, I used relayd -n a lot to check the syntax and rcctl reload relayd to load the new configuration.

Installing Elixir and Erlang

Phoenix is written in Elixir, which in turn requires Erlang. I checked the Elixir install guide and found that there's an OpenBSD package for Elixir.

pkg_add elixir

Following the suggestion given by the installer, I created /etc/man.conf and added Erlang's manual page directory in case I should want to examine those manual pages. The manual page for man.conf provided the defaults.

manpath /usr/share/man
manpath /usr/X11R6/man
manpath /usr/local/man
manpath /usr/local/lib/erlang21/man

I added a line to my ~/.profile to set LC_CTYPE. Setting LC_CTYPE is important on OpenBSD because although the base system mostly ignores the locale (other than having limited support for UTF-8), it is very important to Elixir that the Erlang VM run with UTF-8 character encoding (Elixir uses UTF-8 natively, but depends on support from the VM to do so). The locale(1) manual page has more details about OpenBSD locale support.

export LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8"

I also pre-emptively installed Hex (the package manager for Elixir and Erlang) and rebar (an older build tool for Erlang, used by a Phoenix dependency) since all of my web apps use them.

mix local.hex --force
mix local.rebar --force

Installing postgres

As is common, my Phoenix web apps use Ecto and PostgreSQL for persistence. I installed the PostgreSQL client and server packages.
pkg_add postgresql-client postgresql-server

After installing the packages, I initialized a database cluster as the _postgresql user. I used the flags recommended in /usr/local/share/doc/pkg-readmes/postgresql-server. They set the PostgreSQL super-user user name to “postgres”, enable scram-sha-256 authentication (current best-practice — the likely alternative being md5, which is deprecated), set the encoding to UTF-8, and cause the initdb program to prompt for a new super-user password.

su - _postgresql
mkdir /var/postgresql/data
initdb -D /var/postgresql/data -U postgres -A scram-sha-256 -E UTF8 -W

There was some performance tuning guidance in the read-me file too. I glanced through it. It may come in handy if I need to scale my apps up in the future.

I enabled the postgresql daemon and started it.

rcctl enable postgresql
rcctl start postgresql

I created a new PostgreSQL user and a new database for one of my web apps. I'll need to do this for each web app. The user name, password, and database name become part of REPO_URL environment variable I'll specify when running the web app. The new user is set up as the owner of the new database.

createuser -P -U postgres skilman
createdb -O skilman -U postgres skilman

Backups with Tarsnap

I already had an account with Tarsnap from other projects and I thought it would be nice to use it here for automatic backups. I chose to build it from source, following the compilation instructions.

I'm only interested in backing up my PostgreSQL databases since that's where all of my web app data lives. I already have the application source code and the system configuration is reasonably well documented in these articles. Because of this simple use-case, I won't need to run tarsnap with root permissions. So, I installed it in my user's home directory rather than in /usr/local.

tar -xzf tarsnap-autoconf-1.0.39.tgz
cd tarsnap-autoconf-1.0.39
./configure --prefix=/home/user/tarsnap
make all
make install

Continuing with the getting started instructions, I registered my machine and made a key file. It's important to keep a copy of the key someplace safe. I use macOS locally, so I put it in my login keychain as a secure note using Keychain Access.

tarsnap/bin/tarsnap-keygen --keyfile tarsnap.key --user xxxxxx --machine xxxxxx

I put together a script to dump the PostgreSQL database for my web app into a staging directory, then back up the staging directory with Tarsnap. After that, it lists the backups in Tarsnap and deletes all but the 90 most recent. I plan to run this script daily, so that should give me 90 days of backups. The script includes a user name and password for the web app database, so it's important that the script file be readable only by my user (mode 0700). If I add more web apps, I'll need to add lines to this script for each of their databases.

PGPASSWORD=xxxxxxxx pg_dump -f backup-staging/skilman.sql \
	-U skilman skilman
tarsnap/bin/tarsnap -c --keyfile tarsnap.key --cachedir tarsnap/cache \
	-f $(date +%s) backup-staging
tarsnap/bin/tarsnap --list-archives --keyfile tarsnap.key | sort -nr | \
                sed '1,90d' | while read name ; do
        tarsnap/bin/tarsnap -d --keyfile tarsnap.key --cachedir tarsnap/cache \
                -f $name

I wanted to run the script every day, so I added it to my user's crontab(5).

@daily ~/

Preparing the web app

Since I would be using acme-client's HTTP challenge mechanism, the web app would be responsible for responding to the challenge by sending a file produced by acme-client. I wrote a little Plug to handle these requests and added it near the front of the chain in my endpoint. The plug would need to know where to look for the files, so I made this configurable with an environment variable.

I also added a plug to redirect requests to the canonical host name (from to, for example) and to the HTTPS scheme. I set this plug up after the ACME plug in the pipeline so that those requests could be completed over HTTP.

I updated the endpoint configuration in config/prod.conf to have the web server listen on the loopback address at a port specified by an environment variable.

It's sometimes necessary for an app to generate a full URL that points to the app itself, so it needs to know the base URL to use. I updated the endpoint configuration again with the correct information. In particular, I added the correct host name and scheme. Since I planned on having relayd do TLS termination, I made sure to set the scheme to https.

config :skilman, SkilmanWeb.Endpoint,
  http: [ip: {127, 0, 0, 1}, port: http_port],
  url: [host: "", scheme: "https"]

Running the web app

I looked at the process for building and deploying Phoenix web apps using releases and it seemed pretty great. But, I think — at least at this time — that I don't need most of what it provides. I decided to just rsync the app to the server and run it with the environment set to “prod”.

Compilation (particularly of dependencies) takes a little while the first time, but Elixir is smart about not re-compiling things that haven't changed so it's not too bad after that.

On OpenBSD, we have openrsync by default, so I needed an option to (local) rsync to specify that. I also only wanted to synchronize certain files and directories to the server. I don't think the list will change much, so I specified them individually.

rsync --rsync-path=/usr/bin/openrsync -r --delete \
  config lib priv mix.exs mix.lock lucy:skilman

I wanted the web app to keep running after I logged out, so I put together a script to make a tmux session and start the app in one of its windows. The script sets several environment variables for the app: production mode, database connection details, secret key base, ports to listen on, and so on. Then it gets dependencies, compresses and digests static assets, creates and initializes the database (we've already created the database and the PostgreSQL user we made doesn't have permission to create it anyway, so this will produce an error but it also initializes the table Ecto uses for tracking migrations if it doesn't exist, which is important), performs any necessary database migrations, and then starts the app in distributed mode (so an interactive Elixir session can be attached to it).

cd ~/$app_name
cat > <<-EOF
        export LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8"
        export MIX_ENV=prod
        export REPO_URL=ecto://$app_name:$db_pass@localhost/$app_name
        export SECRET_KEY_BASE=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        export ACME_DIRECTORY=/var/www/acme
        export HTTP_PORT=4210
        mix deps.get
        mix ecto.create
        mix ecto.migrate
        elixir --sname $app_name@localhost -S mix phx.server
cat > <<-EOF
        export LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8"
        iex --sname $app_name-iex@localhost --remsh $app_name@localhost
cat > <<-EOF
        export PGPASSWORD=$db_pass
        psql $app_name $app_name
chmod 700
tmux new-session -d -n shell -s $app_name
tmux set-option -g -t $app_name remain-on-exit on
tmux new-window -d -n server -t $app_name:1 ./
tmux new-window -d -n iex -t $app_name:2 ./
tmux new-window -d -n psql -t $app_name:3 ./

I made sure to chmod 0700 this script too since it contains secrets.

After starting the app, the script goes on to add a few other useful windows in the tmux session: one with an interactive Elixir session attached to the running app and one with psql logged into the app's database as the app. There's also a window with a shell in the app's directory from when the session was created.

If I need to, I can log in to the server and attach tmux to this session and have everything I need to diagnose or debug the app at my fingertips.

tmux attach -t skilman

If I want to re-start the application (perhaps after rsync'ing over a new version), I can do so while attached to the tmux session and looking at the app server window by hitting control-B followed by colon to get a command prompt, then entering respawn-window -k. This works in the interactive Elixir window too, in case it becomes disconnected. The re-spawn can be initiated from the command line as well.

tmux respawn-window -t skilman:1 -k

To stop the entire app, I can kill the tmux session.

tmux kill-session -t skilman

I wanted my apps to start up with the system, too, so I added a line to my user's crontab to run the script at startup.

@reboot ~/

Deployment script

Deployment wasn't too bad with this setup, but I thought I could automate it with a script inside my application's project directory.

rsync -r --delete --exclude-from .gitignore --exclude .git -l \
	. lucy:$app_name
ssh lucy "tmux respawn-window -t $app_name:1 -k"

Now, after making changes to the app locally, I can call this script to deploy it and have the changes live in a few seconds.


I wanted to use HTTPS for my web apps and I wanted have the certificates automatically managed. I was already familiar with acme-client, so I configured it to manage these certificates as well.

I started by adding a section to /etc/acme-client.conf for the web app's certificates and key.

domain "" {
  domain key "/etc/ssl/private/"
  domain full chain certificate "/etc/ssl/"

Finally, I added an entry to root's crontab to check on the certificate every day as well as an entry to reload relayd a little bit after that so it will pick up any changes to the certificate.

28 4 * * * /usr/sbin/acme-client
48 4 * * * /usr/sbin/rcctl reload relayd > /dev/null

To get my first certificate, I manually ran the ACME client.


relayd part two

With my certificate safely in hand, I could add http protocol and relay sections to relayd to listen on port 443 and do TLS termination for my web app. These sections work mostly the same as those for HTTP. They have a couple of options for TLS. From the tls keypair directive in the protocol section, relayd knows to look in /etc/ssl where we had acme-client put the certificate and key. I added a match directive to set the x-forwarded-proto header to https. I configured Plug.RewriteOn to use this to set the scheme, which my redirect plug needs to know. Also, there's no need to have rules for all the different host name aliases here since I don't have certificates for them.

http protocol "https" {
        return error
        block header "host"
        match header set "x-forwarded-proto" value "https"
        pass forward to <skilman> header "host" value ""
        tls keypair ""

relay "https" {
        forward to <skilman> port 4220
        listen on $first_alias port 443 tls
        protocol "https"

With a quick restart of relayd, everything was working.

Remote observer

Since my apps are started in distributed mode, I can use SSH to forward the necessary ports and connect an iex session running on my local machine. One of the ports (for the port-mapper) is always the same, but the other is selected randomly (thus the need for a port-mapper). epmd makes it easy to get the port numbers:

lucy$ epmd21 -names
epmd: up and running on port 4369 with data:
name skilman at port 15246

With the port numbers in hand, I can re-start my SSH connection with port forwarding:

ssh -L 4369:localhost:4369 -L 15246:localhost:15246 lucy

Just to check everything is working, I can run epmd -names locally in another window to see I'm getting the same output as on the server. Of course, if epmd were running locally the SSH command would have failed (since the port would already be in use), but I don't use epmd locally much.

I also needed the cookie from the server, which was in ~/.erlang.cookie. Distributed nodes can only interact with each other when their cookies are equal.

Now for the fun stuff! I can connect a local Erlang observer instance to the running server node.

erl -sname debug@localhost -setcookie xxxxx -run observer

To connect to the server node, I go to the Nodes menu in Observer (for some reason, it takes almost a minute for the menus to become clickable, but once they do, it works fine), select Connect node, and enter the server node's name (like skilman@localhost).

Wrapping up

I hope that this article has been helpful to you. If this is the kind of thing you're into, you may enjoy my other articles. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to drop me an e-mail.

Aaron D. Parks